Ways To Partner

Your partnership with us means you are taking the next step in supporting what we do for students, coaches, and athletes. We get to serve 10 amazing counties in West Central Indiana, in their middle/high schools and college/universites.

With partners like you, we can continue to step into schools with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to reach as many souls for the Kingdom as we can.

When you partner with us, you can choose an area of ministry to give to specifically, or you can give to FCA and watch the seed grow.

We hope you prayerfull consider giving to one of the follow areas of ministry we provide in West Central Indiana below.


If you choose to give to our huddles your seed will go towards:



-FCA Gear

-Huddle Leaders Supplies

-Resources Needed

-And more

Leadership Camp Scholarship

You can give towards a camp scholarship. This gift goes towards allowing our student lead huddle leaders to experience leadership camp in the summer. Your gift would fund students to go to camp without having to worry about coming up with the funds.

Character Award Scholarships

We would like to honor students at each high school for each sports season with the “Character Counts Award”. So during fall, winter, and spring seasons, each coach would nominate a person from their team to receive this award. Our FCA staff would weed through the nominations and determine the winner at each school for each season. That individual would receive a plaque commemorating their achievement.

There is a second piece to this as well. Each year during our FCA Banquet, we would announce 4 scholarship winners. 1 high school senior boy, 1 high school senior girl, 1 college boy, 1 college girl from our area who meet the criteria for Character Counts to be awarded a $1,000 scholarship each. Those who won the award at their school would then be entered for the opportunity to win the scholarship.

Annual Golf Scramble

Our annual golf scramble is a hit every year as our community comes together forming teams to win the whole event. We look for tournament sponsors, eagle sponsors, birdie sponsors, and hole sponsors. This is a great opportunity for businesses to get their name out at a big event in the Wabash Valley. Get your business promoted at the event and posted on social media. If you're interested in sponsoring towards this event, we encourage your business to do so.

Indiana State University FCA

Indiana State University's FCA is growing astronomically each semester. ISU's FCA is ran by Shan Smith, ISU Football Chaplain and ISU Basketball Character Coach with Nations of Coaches. This campus FCA huddle is reaching new student athletes and coaches weekly, and in 2023 they were forced to find a new building due to reaching capacity in the BCM house. This student lead huddle is full of worship, prayer, bible studies, outreaches, and volunteering with Wabash Valley events.

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